When you’re looking for a veterinary clinic, you should seek the highest level of care and an excellent service. Our veterinary clinic offers the best possible care for your pet. Our environment is clean and spacious. Please call 01706 593760 to make an appointment and we’ ll find a time that is convenient for you during the day, morning, noon or afternoon.

We recommended that you bring your pet in for a checkup once a year. This checkup includes a general clinical examination and perhaps a cleaning of it’s gums and teeth, if necessary. The veterinarian will examine your pet’s health and you will be very pleased that you came to our clinic.

Please bring it’s medical history, if any, with you when you come to our office. It is recommended that you keep a history of your pet’s health throughout its life, including any behavioral disorders. So if you have a history, please share it with us. If not, tell us anything that may be important regarding it’s health.